Everything CNN does now underlines how Chris Licht’s doomed attempts to calm it down are almost completely forgotten. On September 18, Oliver Darcy’s “Reliable Sources” newsletter was topped by the headline “Elon’s Reality Escape.” Because CNN defines what “reality” is, and “reality” has a virulent leftist bias. That bias makes you “Reliable.”
Darcy’s screed began: “Elon Musk is showing the world how radicalized he has become. The billionaire, one of the most consequential figures to walk the Earth, spent another weekend swimming in the right-wing fever swamps of X.”
The occasion was Don Lemon’s arrogant and ignorant interview of Musk, which caused Musk to pull his funding of Lemon’s program. Lemon made all kinds of strange demands of Musk, especially his demand to have some control of the platform’s “con …