Col­umn: CNN’s Dar­cy Rips Elon Musk, Sink­ing Into the ‘Right-Wing Fever Swamps’

<div>Column: CNN's Darcy Rips Elon Musk, Sinking Into the 'Right-Wing Fever Swamps'</div>

Every­thing CNN does now under­lines how Chris Licht’s doomed attempts to calm it down are almost com­plete­ly for­got­ten. On Sep­tem­ber 18, Oliv­er Dar­cy’s “Reli­able Sources” newslet­ter was topped by the head­line “Elon’s Real­i­ty Escape.” Because CNN defines what “real­i­ty” is, and “real­i­ty” has a vir­u­lent left­ist bias. That bias makes you “Reli­able.” 
Dar­cy’s screed began: “Elon Musk is show­ing the world how rad­i­cal­ized he has become. The bil­lion­aire, one of the most con­se­quen­tial fig­ures to walk the Earth, spent anoth­er week­end swim­ming in the right-wing fever swamps of X.”
The occa­sion was Don Lemon’s arro­gant and igno­rant inter­view of Musk, which caused Musk to pull his fund­ing of Lemon’s pro­gram. Lemon made all kinds of strange demands of Musk, espe­cial­ly his demand to have some con­trol of the plat­for­m’s “con …