For­mer Wis­con­sin Elec­tion Offi­cial Found Guilty Of Gen­er­at­ing Absen­tee Bal­lots For Fic­ti­tious Vot­ers

Former Wisconsin Election Official Found Guilty Of Generating Absentee Ballots For Fictitious Voters

A for­mer Wis­con­sin elec­tion offi­cial was found guilty of vot­er fraud charges on Wednes­day after she gen­er­at­ed bal­lots for fic­tion­al mem­bers of the mil­i­tary dur­ing the 2022 elec­tion. 
For­mer Mil­wau­kee Elec­tion Com­mis­sion Deputy Com­mis­sion­er Kim­ber­ly Zap­a­ta was found guilty of felony mis­con­duct in pub­lic office and three mis­de­meanor counts of mak­ing a false state­ment to obtain an absen­tee bal­lot. Zapata’s lawyers claimed that she was a whistle­blow­er try­ing to expose loop­holes in the Wis­con­sin elec­tion sys­tem while the jury deter­mined that she had com­mit­ted elec­tion fraud. 
Dur­ing the 2022 elec­tion cycle, Zap­a­ta used My Vote Wis­con­sin to obtain three absen­tee bal­lots using the names of fic­tion­al mil­i­tary mem­bers. The bal­lots were sent to the home of state Rep. Janel Bra …