Con­gress rings alarm bells about gun con­trol over DOJ’s ‘Nation­al Extreme Risk’ cen­ter

The Depart­ment of Jus­tice insti­tut­ed its own train­ing cen­ter Sat­ur­day to help local law enforce­ment imple­ment gun con­trol prac­tices.
Known as the Nation­al Extreme Risk Pro­tec­tion Order Resource Cen­ter, this lat­est office will put the DOJ’s $2 mil­lion allot­ment to use under its Byrne State Cri­sis Inter­ven­tion Pro­gram. The ERPO cen­ter was estab­lished with the help of the Johns Hop­kins Cen­ter for Gun Vio­lence Solu­tions. A sim­pli­fied web­site guides pros­e­cu­tors, attor­neys, judges, clin­i­cians, vic­tim ser­vice providers, social ser­vice providers, and house­hold mem­bers on how to file pro­tec­tion orders against gun own­ers they deem at risk.
“The launch of the Nation­al Extreme Risk Pro­tec­tion Order Resource Cen­ter will pro­vide our part­ners across the coun­try with valu­able resources to keep firearms out of the hands of indi­vid­u­als who pose a threat to them­selves or oth­ers,” At …