KJP Address­es NYPD Offi­cer Alleged­ly Killed By Career Crim­i­nal, Push­es Gun Con­trol

KJP Addresses NYPD Officer Allegedly Killed By Career Criminal, Pushes Gun Control

White House Press Sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked Wednes­day about the death of 31-year-old NYPD offi­cer Jonathan Diller, who was shot and killed ear­li­er this week alleged­ly by a career crim­i­nal, and Jean-Pierre used her answer to push for more gun con­trol.
“Look, our hearts go out to this offi­cer who trag­i­cal­ly lost his life in the line of duty. We’re also pray­ing for his fam­i­ly dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time, who now has an emp­ty seat at thei …