Hochul Gets Frosty Greet­ing At Slain NY Police Officer’s Wake, Guests Applaud As She Leaves: Report

Hochul Gets Frosty Greeting At Slain NY Police Officer’s Wake, Guests Applaud As She Leaves: Report

New York Gov­er­nor Kathy Hochul appeared to get a frosty recep­tion at the wake of slain New York police offi­cer Jonathan Diller on Fri­day.
Hochul arrived at Diller’s wake at around 1:45 p.m. on Fri­day and went inside to meet with the slain officer’s wid­ow, Stephanie. One wit­ness to the exchange said that the 29-year-old wid­ow appeared to tell off the Demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nor.
“[It looked] like she was telling [Hochul] off,” one wit­ness told the New York Post. “It didn’t look like the wid­ow had a kind word to say.”
Hochul’s appear­ance at the wake was received poor­ly by the mem­be …