Chris Cuo­mo Tears Biden A New One Over Israel: ‘Hostages Have Become An After­thought’

Chris Cuomo Tears Biden A New One Over Israel: ‘Hostages Have Become An Afterthought’

News­Na­tion anchor Chris Cuo­mo tore into Pres­i­dent Joe Biden on Thurs­day, accus­ing the White House of send­ing a “mixed mes­sage” on Israel and warn­ing him that no amount of polit­i­cal pres­sure — even from with­in his own par­ty — was an “excuse to be weak.”
Cuo­mo was respond­ing to Biden’s Thurs­day call with Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu, dur­ing which he report­ed­ly pres­sured the Israeli leader to move ahead with a cease­fire in Gaza despite the fact that the t …