Sur­vey Finds Young Women Pre­fer Fem­i­nin­i­ty Over Fem­i­nism

Survey Finds Young Women Prefer Femininity Over Feminism

One of the only things that wake me up every day is the idea that one day I’ll get to home­school my kids, hon­or God and serve my hus­band. Though that more bib­li­cal role is frowned upon by pro­gres­sives who think women have to work a 9–5 to be worth any­thing, many women are wak­ing up to what our nat­ur­al, God-designed role as women is sup­posed to be.
A sur­vey con­duct­ed by the Clare Boothe Luce Cen­ter for Con­ser­v­a­tive Women and steered by GOP cam­paign con­sul­tant Kellyanne Conway’s com­pa­ny KACon­sult­ing, LLC, indi­cat­ed that young women nowa­days pre­fer fem­i­nin­i­ty and trad …