Dai­ly Show: Trump a ‘Pathet­ic Worm’ For Poten­tial Elec­toral Col­lege Rule Change

Some in Nebras­ka have tried, and ulti­mate­ly failed, to change the way the state awards its elec­toral votes and bring it in line with 48 oth­er states. Among those in favor of mov­ing away from a pro­por­tion­al allo­ca­tion to a win­ner-take-all sys­tem is Don­ald Trump, which led Com­e­dy Central’s Desi Lydic to label him a “pathet­ic worm” on Thursday’s edi­tion of The Dai­ly Show.
Lydic is also not a fan of the elec­toral col­lege itself, as she claimed, “The pres­i­dent is decid­ed by the elec­toral col­lege, the incred­i­bly over­com­pli­cat­ed sys­tem that our founders came up with as a prank on future gen­er­a­tions.”

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