Reid Gets Trig­gered By D.C.‘s Rea­gan And Dulles Air­port Names

MSNBC’s Joy Reid and The ReidOut’s assem­bled pan­el react­ed on Fri­day to the efforts by some Repub­li­cans to name D.C.’s Dulles Inter­na­tion­al Air­port after Don­ald Trump and Democ­rats’ response of try­ing to name a fed­er­al prison after him by get­ting trig­gered at the eponyms cur­rent­ly on D.C.’s two air­ports: John Fos­ter Dulles and Ronald Rea­gan. Reid even admit­ted that she refus­es to call Rea­gan Nation­al by its name.
Reid opined, “Let’s talk a lit­tle about this idea of renam­ing Du …