A Top House Repub­li­can Says ‘Rad­i­cal Indi­vid­u­als Who Don’t Have An Ide­ol­o­gy’ Par­a­lyz­ing U.S. Gov­ern­ment


DeSan­tis Slams Democ­rats Fol­low­ing Killing Of NYPD Offi­cer: ‘They Embrace The Crim­i­nal Ele­ment’


For­mer judge sug­gests Trump needs to be jailed if he breaks gag order: ‘Bring your tooth­brush’


NPR Host Still MAD at ‘Cow­ard­ly’ Biden Team for Fold­ing on Nina Jankow­icz Cen­sor­ship Board


Ro Khan­na dis­miss­es crit­ics of Biden’s fundrais­er: ‘Event was about uni­fy­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty’


Moscow Mas­sacre: Could It Hap­pen Here?


INTERVIEW: For­mer ESPN Anchor Sage Steele Talks Get­ting Can­celed After Vax Com­ments, Surge Of Sup­port & Launch Of Her New Show 


Bal­ti­more bridge repair is prime exam­ple why US needs to be ‘fis­cal­ly respon­si­ble’: Rep. Bud­dy Carter