Teach­ers Union Head Mocked For ‘Total­ly Unhinged’ Speech


AP Rips GOP on Pres­i­dent Kamala Talk: ‘Tinged with Racist and Misog­y­nist Under­tones’


Demo­c­rat Deb­bie Din­gell: ‘Stop Talk­ing About’ Biden’s Fit­ness For Office, Vot­ers Say They ‘Have His Back’


Demo­c­rat Adam Schiff: If Trump Took A Cog­ni­tive Test It Would Show ‘Seri­ous Ill­ness Of One Kind Or Anoth­er’


JD Vance defends Trump’s desire to inves­ti­gate Biden in con­tentious inter­view


‘The Media Should Be First On The Scene’: Ben Shapiro Blasts Late Cov­er­age Of Biden’s Health


On PBS, CBS Reporter Push­es Back on ‘Extreme Lan­guage’ of Sotomay­or Dis­sent on Immu­ni­ty


Biden’s physi­cian met with top Parkinson’s dis­ease spe­cial­ist: White House vis­i­tor logs


Ryan sums up Demo­c­ra­t­ic reac­tion to Biden ABC inter­view: ‘Didn’t move the nee­dle’