Har­ris touts Biden’s stu­dent loans plan: ‘Many are silent­ly strug­gling’

Harris touts Biden’s student loans plan: ‘Many are silently struggling’

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris laud­ed Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s new plan to reduce or can­cel stu­dent loan debt for rough­ly 30 mil­lion peo­ple, call­ing it a game chang­er for bor­row­ers and espe­cial­ly those eli­gi­ble for pub­lic ser­vice loan for­give­ness pro­grams.
“We don’t pay our teach­ers near­ly what they deserve in terms of the val­ue that they give to our soci­ety as a whole,” Har­ris said Mon­day dur­ing a round­table dis­cus­sion in Philadel­phia. “Many are silent­ly strug­gling with stu­dent loan debt.”
Biden announced ear­li­er in the day a new plan to trans­fer par­tial or full stu­dent loan bal­ances from bor­row­ers to tax­pay­ers.
To qual­i­fy, debt hold­ers must be in one of five groups, those whose bal­ances are greater than what they orig­i­nal­ly bor­rowed, those with loans that were tak­en out decades ago, those whose loans …