Poll: Col­orado Vot­ers Say Immi­gra­tion Is The Top Issue As 2024 Elec­tion Draws Clos­er

Poll: Colorado Voters Say Immigration Is The Top Issue As 2024 Election Draws Closer

Col­orado vot­ers say that immi­gra­tion is the top issue fac­ing the coun­try ahead of the 2024 elec­tion, a recent poll has found.
The poll of 632 like­ly vot­ers, report­ed by the Col­orado Polling Insti­tute and con­duct­ed by Demo­c­ra­t­ic poll­ster Aspect Strate­gic and Repub­li­can poll­ster New Bridge Strat­e­gy, found that 14% of vot­ers said that immi­gra­tion is the top issue that the state gov­ern­ment should address. The issue beat home­less­ness at 12% and the lack of afford­able hous­ing at 11%, which respon­dents also pro­vid­ed as answers to the open-end­ed ques­tion.
“Immi­gra­tion emerg­ing as a top issue among vot­ers in Col­orado f …