‘I’m Not Cry­ing, You Are’: Video Cap­tures Fed­er­al Bureau­crats Recit­ing Diver­si­ty Poem

‘I’m Not Crying, You Are’: Video Captures Federal Bureaucrats Reciting Diversity Poem

Fed­er­al bureau­crats from the Depart­ment of the Inte­ri­or record­ed them­selves cel­e­brat­ing the diver­si­ty, equi­ty, and inclu­sion (DEI) agen­da with a poet­ry recital that brought at least one gov­ern­ment offi­cial to tears.
Video obtained by Dai­ly Wire host Matt Walsh shows fed­er­al employ­ees attend­ing the fed­er­al agency’s “2023 Ally Awards,” where bureau­crats were rec­og­nized for their sup­port of the DEI agen­da. At the end of the vir­tu­al award cer­e­mo­ny, a pre­sen­ter announced that employ­ees of the agency had record …