GOP Sen­ate hope­ful Eric Hov­de ques­tions fit­ness of nurs­ing home patients to vote

GOP Senate hopeful Eric Hovde questions fitness of nursing home patients to vote

Wis­con­sin Sen­ate can­di­date Eric Hov­de ques­tioned the vot­ing abil­i­ty of some nurs­ing home patients after he claimed their fam­i­ly mem­bers had no idea how they could have vot­ed in 2020.
In an inter­view on Fox News’s Guy Ben­son Show, Hov­de, a Repub­li­can, expressed skep­ti­cism over vot­ing prac­tices in nurs­ing homes, point­ing to their activ­i­ty around the 2020 elec­tion.
“We had nurs­ing homes, where the sher­iff of Racine inves­ti­gat­ed, where you had 100% vot­ing in nurs­ing homes,” he said. “Well, if you’re in a nurs­ing home, you only have a five‑, six-month life expectan­cy. Almost nobody in a nurs­ing home is in a point to vote. And you had chil­dren, adult chil­dren show­ing up say­ing, ‘Who vot­ed for my 85- or 90-year-old father or moth­er?’”

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