Red State Bill To Keep Males Out Of Women’s Bath­rooms, Sports Teams Fails After Two Repub­li­cans Abstain

Red State Bill To Keep Males Out Of Women’s Bathrooms, Sports Teams Fails After Two Republicans Abstain

A bill in Nebras­ka that would have kept males out of women’s restrooms and off of girls’ sports teams at schools failed after two Repub­li­cans abstained from vot­ing on the mea­sure after they ini­tial­ly indi­cat­ed sup­port for the leg­is­la­tion. 
The bill, known as the “Sports and Spaces Act,” failed on Fri­day after it did not get enough votes to advance it past clo­ture for a vote on the actu­al leg­is­la­tion. It need­ed to get 33 votes in Nebraska’s uni­cam­er­al leg­is­la­ture, but was blocked from mov­ing for­ward after a 31–15 vote. 
Two Repub­li­cans, state Sens. Tom Brandt and Merv Riepe, both abstained from the clo­ture vote even though they had ini­tial­ly signed on as spon­sors to the leg­is­la­tion. The mea­sure, intro­duced by state Sen. Kath­leen Kauth, wo …