Joe Rogan on Musk: ‘He May Have Very Well Saved Human­i­ty in Some Way’ Buy­ing Twit­ter

Joe Rogan on Musk: ‘He May Have Very Well Saved Humanity in Some Way’ Buying Twitter

Pod­cast host Joe Rogan spoke up about the impact of X own­er Elon Musk break­ing the left­ist cen­sor­ship monop­oly on major social media plat­forms. 
Dur­ing the April 6 edi­tion of The Joe Rogan Expe­ri­ence, fel­low pod­cast­er Andrew Schultz expressed his hope that Musk’s pur­chase of X and deci­sion to “uphold this soap­box of free speech” would lead to “a civ­il soci­ety where ideas can per­me­ate freely.” Rogan went a step fur­ther, telling his guest that “[Musk] may have very well saved human­i­ty in some way” by buy­ing Twit­ter and revers­ing much of the insane cen­sor­ship prac­tices of the Old Regime. Rogan, who sur­vived a cam­paign to dri­ve him from Spo­ti­fy for his speech on vac­cines, is not the only per­son that feels this way. 

Satire site The Baby­lon Bee CEO Seth Dil­lon spoke at length on April 5 about what his …