White House Report Card: Infla­tion, Bide­nomics chok­ing the nation

White House Report Card: Inflation, Bidenomics choking the nation

This week’s White House Report Card finds Pres­i­dent Joe Biden being hob­bled by a new surge of con­sumer infla­tion, threat­en­ing his reelec­tion chances and delay­ing an inter­est rate cut by the Fed­er­al Reserve.
Instead of revers­ing his high-spend­ing ways, how­ev­er, the pres­i­dent unveiled plans for more to be dumped into dead­beat stu­dent loans, an elec­tion-year move aimed at win­ning back younger vot­ers who have been non­plussed by his pres­i­den­cy.
He did get a boost polit­i­cal­ly when abor­tion surged back into the top issues after Arizona’s high­est court cit­ed a Civ­il War-era law to ban most of the pro­ce­dures in the state.
But his con­tin­ued scold­ing of Israel and Iran’s threat to attack the Jew­ish state again has the world on edge.
There was some humor dur­ing the week thanks to the State Vis­it of Japan­ese Prime Min­is­ter Fumio Kishi­da and his fun­ny ref­er­ences to cur­rent cul­ture.
Con­ser­v­a­tive grad­er Jed Bab­bin gave the week a “D‑min …