Trump looks to win back Penn­syl­va­nia by cam­paign­ing in these swing coun­ties

Trump looks to win back Pennsylvania by campaigning in these swing counties

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will head back to Penn­syl­va­nia on Sat­ur­day to cam­paign in cer­tain swing dis­tricts in an attempt to repeat his win of the state in 2016.
Trump is expect­ed to make stops in Lehigh Val­ley, and the Philadel­phia sub­urb of Bucks Coun­ty for a fundrais­er and a ral­ly. His stop in Lehigh Val­ley falls in the state’s sev­enth dis­trict, which is con­sid­ered high­ly com­pet­i­tive but is cur­rent­ly held by Rep. Susan Wild (D‑PA).
Anoth­er swing coun­ty, which will like­ly be the most watched, is Lack­awan­na Coun­ty, where Trump won in 2016, but Pres­i­dent Joe Biden won in 2020. The coun­ty seat is Scran­ton, Penn­syl­va­nia, where Biden was born. The pres­i­dent is expect­ed to return there on Tues­day for anoth­er speech on the econ­o­my.
The vis­its come after Democ­rats have seen large vic­to­ries across the state in recent elec­tions, includ­ing …