CNN’s Acos­ta Wor­ries Team Anti-Trump Won’t Get a Per­fect­ly Nasty Jury, But Ana­lyst Coun­ters

<div>CNN's Acosta Worries Team Anti-Trump Won't Get a Perfectly Nasty Jury, But Analyst Counters</div>

Hap­py Tax Return Dead­line Day to all who cel­e­brate!
Such an empa­thet­ic guy, that Jim Acos­ta!
As News­Busters has doc­u­ment­ed, Acos­ta is a hard-left “jour­nal­ist” and a Trump antag­o­nist to the bit­ter end. On today’s CNN This Morn­ing, Acos­ta expressed a touch­ing con­cern for the pros­e­cu­tors in Trump’s hush mon­ey tri­al.
In par­tic­u­lar, Acos­ta fret­ted over the tough job the pros­e­cu­tors face in select­ing jurors. After all, he said, it would take only one juror refus­ing to vote for con­vic­tion to cause a hung jury and thus a mis­tri­al.
True. But that pos­si­bil­i­ty is some­thing pros­e­cu­tors face in every tri­al in every locale across the coun­try. And if there’s one place in all Amer­i­ca where that could be the least like­ly to hap­pen, it’s the site of this trial—the lib­er­al hotbed of Man­hat­tan!
As CNN legal ana­lyst Elie Honig point­ed out:

“It’s gonna be a chal­lenge both ways. First of all, from Trump’s per­spec­tive, this is not a great jury pool for him, right? This is Man­hat­tan-only. No Bronx, no Brook­lyn, no Queens, no Stat­en Island. Man­hat­tan only. A bor­ough, a c …