Swifties ques­tion Travis Kelce lik­ing pro-Trump Insta­gram post

Travis Kelce, Kansas City Chiefs tight end and three-time Super Bowl cham­pi­on, is gar­ner­ing atten­tion for “lik­ing” an Insta­gram post by for­mer ESPN host Sage Steele fea­tur­ing her stand­ing next to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump at UFC 299.
“What. A. Night. After years of cov­er­ing @ufc at ESPN, I FINALLY got to see it live & in per­son. Game chang­er. THANK YOU @danawhite … for EVERYTHING! Great peo­ple, great event, great fights! (Check out the last video – it’s the final minute of the main card fight .. so intense!!!) 🇺🇸#ufc299,” Steele said in a recent Insta­gram post.

The post, which was writ­ten last month, has been liked by over 58,000 Insta­gram users, but fans only recent­ly noticed that Kelce liked the post.
She added a side note for her crit­i­cal fans, “Cue the divi­sive, close-mind­ed thoughts an …