Team­sters union donates to anoth­er GOP cause. What does it mean for Democ­rats?

Teamsters union donates to another GOP cause. What does it mean for Democrats?

While most unions have already endorsed Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, one big fish in the labor move­ment is spread­ing the love around and hold­ing out its sup­port.
The Inter­na­tion­al Broth­er­hood of Team­sters turned heads by donat­ing $45,000 to the Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee ear­li­er this year, and has now made fur­ther GOP inroads by donat­ing $5,000 to Sen. Josh Haw­ley (R‑MO).
The union, which rep­re­sents 1.3 mil­lion trans­porta­tion work­ers at UPS and oth­er com­pa­nies, donat­ed to Haw­ley in his reelec­tion cam­paign against Lucas Kunce, accord­ing to Axios.
Haw­ley him­self is unusu­al in some respects, hav­ing joined pick­et lines with the Team­sters and the Unit­ed Auto Work­ers in the St. Louis area. In 2022, he vot­ed in favor of a mea­sure from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I‑VT) to add sev­en paid sick days to a con­tract for rail work­ers.
The union says it’s more focused on issues than par­ty affil­i­a­tion.
“Regard­less of par­ty, the Team­sters will work with elect­ed offi­cials who mean­ing­ful­ly take ac …