Con­gress­man From Texas Warns That Venezue­lan Gang Is Con­sol­i­dat­ing Pow­er In Amer­i­ca Amid Open Bor­der

Congressman From Texas Warns That Venezuelan Gang Is Consolidating Power In America Amid Open Border

A Unit­ed States Con­gress­man from Texas warned that a vio­lent Venezue­lan gang is exploit­ing America’s open south­ern bor­der to build its pres­ence and con­sol­i­date its pow­er with­in the Unit­ed States.
Rep. Tony Gon­za­lez (R‑TX) warned that the Venezue­lan gang Tren de Aragua will become the most pow­er­ful crim­i­nal gang in the coun­try after years of tak­ing advan­tage of America’s bor­der cri­sis.
“This gang in sev­er­al years is going to be the dom­i­nant transna­tion­al crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tion through­out the Unit­ed States. There’s no doubt in my mind,” Rep. Gon­za­les explained in an inter­view with Fox News. “They’re very vicious. They have no rules. They go …