Pelosi endors­es Capi­tol Police offi­cer who pro­tect­ed her on Jan. 6 in Mary­land House race

Pelosi endorses Capitol Police officer who protected her on Jan. 6 in Maryland House race

Nan­cy Pelosi (D‑CA) found a way to repay a Capi­tol Police offi­cer who pro­tect­ed her and oth­er leg­is­la­tors at the Capi­tol on Jan. 6, 2021: her endorse­ment.
Pelosi endorsed Har­ry Dunn in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry for Maryland’s 3rd dis­trict, along with Rep. Jim Clyburn (D‑S.C.) and Rep. Marc Veasey (D‑TX), on Fri­day. 
“I saw Offi­cer Dunn’s courage first­hand in the face of unprece­dent­ed vio­lence and insur­rec­tion on Jan­u­ary 6th, when he stood firm to pro­tect the Capi­tol, the Con­sti­tu­tion and democ­ra­cy itself,” Pelosi said in a state­ment.
Some riot­ers on Jan. 6 posed in Pelosi’s office and active­ly sought her out as she was evac­u­at­ed from the Capi­tol.
“I am per­son­al­ly grate­ful for the life-sav­ing pro­tec­tion that he pro­vid­ed to my staff, to me and to so many oth­ers in the Capi­tol. All are in awe of his gen­eros­i­ty and con­vic­tion in shar­ing his har­row­ing sto­ry from that dark day, tes­ti­fy­ing before our Select Com­mit­tee to Inves­ti­gate Jan­u­ary …