Ro Khan­na vows to ‘table any motion to vacate’ Speak­er Mike John­son

Ro Khanna vows to ‘table any motion to vacate’ Speaker Mike Johnson

Speak­er of the House Mike John­son (R‑LA) seem­ing­ly won over Rep. Ro Khan­na (D‑CA) with his vot­ing strat­e­gy over the week­end, as the Demo­c­ra­t­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tive pro­claimed his oppo­si­tion to vacat­ing the speak­er.
Khan­na appeared on This Week Sun­day to express his sup­port for John­son, despite the fact that the two hail from oppos­ing par­ties. As a Demo­c­ra­t­ic politi­cian, Khan­na claimed he dis­agrees with John­son “on many issues” and admit­ted he’s “been very crit­i­cal of him,” but approved of Johnson’s effort to split a pre­vi­ous bill into four bills that were all passed Sat­ur­day. These bills per­tained to for­eign aid to Tai­wan, Israel, and Ukraine, in addi­tion to a ban on app stores from host­ing Tik­Tok as long as it’s for­eign-owned.
“We had one issue, which was give indi­vid­ual votes. Don’t lump things togeth­er, and I would give him cred­it for doing this. I would vote to table any motion to vacate him,” Khan­na said. “I think here you have …