ABC World News Tonight SUPPRESSED Biden’s ‘Very Fine Peo­ple’ Moment

All three major broad­cast net­works cov­ered the ongo­ing vio­lent anti­se­mit­ic cam­pus protests dur­ing their evening news­casts. Only one, ABC, omit­ted Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s state­ments grant­i­ng moral equiv­a­len­cy both to the anti­se­mit­ic pro­test­ers and to those who oppose them- his own “very fine peo­ple” moment.
Here are the remarks in ques­tion, as aired on the CBS Evening News- the only net­work to actu­al­ly air them:

MEG OLIVER: Late this after­noon, Pres­i­dent Biden denounced anti­semitism.
JOE BIDEN: I con­demn the anti­se­mit­ic protests, that’s why I’ve set up a pro­gram to deal w …