Trump Lawyer: Democ­rats Care More About Keep­ing Trump Off Cam­paign Trail Than They Do Win­ning In Court

Trump Lawyer: Democrats Care More About Keeping Trump Off Campaign Trail Than They Do Winning In Court

One of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s top lawyers explained this week that he believes that Democ­rats used their crim­i­nal cas­es against Trump to try to keep him off the cam­paign trail.
Attor­ney Chris Kise made the remarks dur­ing a Fox News inter­view when asked by host Jesse Wat­ters what he believed was hap­pen­ing.
“Well, I think, you know, the Democ­rats claim that Trump is a threat to democ­ra­cy,” he said. “The real threat to democ­ra­cy is the will­ing­ness to abuse the …