Trump was warned not to ‘give them a noble rea­son to indict you’

Trump was warned not to ‘give them a noble reason to indict you’

An asso­ciate of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump warned him to take the request to return doc­u­ments to the Nation­al Archives seri­ous­ly, accord­ing to released FBI fil­ings on Mon­day regard­ing Trump’s case. “Don’t give them a noble rea­son to indict you, because they will,” the asso­ciate warned Trump, accord­ing to the fil­ing. 
The iden­ti­ty of the asso­ciate who made these claims was redact­ed in the doc­u­ments. He/she is only iden­ti­fied as “Per. 16” through­out the FBI fil­ing, “Exhib­it D.” 

Image of FBI fil­ing “Exhib­it D” regard­ing the case of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s clas­si­fied doc­ume …