NEED A HANKY? Tay­lor Lorenz Ugly Cries Over Neu­tral Meta Pol­i­cy Because It Affects Left­ies Too

NEED A HANKY? Taylor Lorenz Ugly Cries Over Neutral Meta Policy Because It Affects Lefties Too

The Wash­ing­ton Post’s in-house cry-bul­ly Tay­lor Lorenz appar­ent­ly only seems to care about Big Tech when its poli­cies affect left­ists’ abil­i­ty to spread their off-the-rails agit­prop all over the social media land­scape. 
Meta announced Feb. 9 that it would be lim­it­ing all polit­i­cal con­tent rec­om­mend­ed writ large to its user bases on Insta­gram and Threads. This appar­ent­ly struck a nerve with Lorenz, who jumped on the news with a Feb. 10 piece of her own lam­bast­ing the move as “anger­ing some news cre­ators” who were “gear­ing up for a cru­cial elec­tion year.” Talk about pro­jec­tion. 
Lorenz is appar­ent­ly still miffed, as her Apr. 10 piece regur­gi­tat­ed the belly­ach­ing of left­ist “con­tent cre­ators” plead­ing for Meta and its sub­sidiary Insta­gram in an open let­ter to “reverse” course, despite it being a neu­tral pol­i­cy that affects every­one, both left and right-lean­ing con­tent cre­ators. The let­ter was spear­head­ed by the rad­i­cal LGBTQ group GLAAD — a drag-queen-shows-for-kids apol­o­gist orga­ni­za­tion — and the anti-free speech left­ist group Account­able Tech, which has deep ties to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, which Lorenz fai …