NBC Down­plays Colum­bia Lead­er’s Anti-Semi­tism, CBS Still Ignores

On Fri­day morn­ing, ABC, NBC, and CBS all ignored Colum­bia encamp­ment stu­dent leader Khy­mani James’s Jan­u­ary remarks that Zion­ists don’t deserve to live and they should be grate­ful he per­son­al­ly isn’t mur­der­ing them. Since then, the results have been mixed. Friday’s World News Tonight on ABC played the video and Saturday’s Today allud­ed to it, but did not play it, and the amount of specifics the view­er got was depen­dent on their NBC affil­i­ate. Mean­while, CBS Sat­ur­day Morn­ing con­tin­ued to ignore the video.
The best CBS could muster was a record­ed seg­ment on the lat­est devel­op­ments around Colum­bia that …