MSNBC Ana­lyst Deliv­ers Full-On Sales Pitch For Biden

MSNBC Analyst Delivers Full-On Sales Pitch For Biden

NBC nation­al affairs ana­lyst John Heile­mann appeared to aban­don all pre­tense of objec­tiv­i­ty dur­ing a “Morn­ing Joe” appear­ance on Thurs­day, deliv­er­ing a full-on sales pitch to minor­i­ty vot­ers for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s reelec­tion.
Heile­mann called on black and His­pan­ic vot­ers to “do what you did in 2020,” claim­ing that no one believed there was a risk that minor­i­ty vot­ers would “flock” to the for­mer pres­i­dent in droves. Rather, he said the risk was that vot­ers who would othe …

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