Trump guilty: ‘More intense’ sup­port for Trump fol­low­ing ver­dict, Byron York pre­dicts

Trump guilty: ‘More intense’ support for Trump following verdict, Byron York predicts

The Wash­ing­ton Examiner’s Byron York pre­dict­ed that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s sup­port­ers will only become “more intense” as a result of the Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date being found guilty in his hush mon­ey tri­al Thurs­day.
York appeared on Spe­cial Report with Brett Baier on Thurs­day, hours after a jury found Trump guilty of 34 felony counts of fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records. York respond­ed to Trump’s imme­di­ate reac­tion out­side the cour­t­house, where the pres­i­dent assured that he will be “OK.”
“He is talk­ing to his sup­port­ers right there, and at his ral­lies, some­times he will say, ‘You know, they are not com­ing after me, they are com­ing after you. I’m just in the way,’” York said. So, cov­er­ing the pri­maries and the cau­cus­es this year, Repub­li­cans are pret­ty much unan­i­mous in the belief that Trump has been unfa …

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