Trump guilty: Trump’s dona­tion web­site crash­es moments after ver­dict

Trump guilty: Trump’s donation website crashes moments after verdict

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s web­site for cam­paign dona­tions crashed with­in min­utes of his guilty ver­dict being announced on Thurs­day.
Trump was found guilty of all 34 charges in his crim­i­nal hush mon­ey case in Man­hat­tan, mark­ing the first time a for­mer U.S. pres­i­dent has been con­vict­ed of a felony crime. Short­ly after the ver­dict was announced, how­ev­er, Trump’s dona­tion web­site crashed, and was lat­er updat­ed with a new mes­sage from the for­mer pres­i­dent regard­ing the ver­dict.
“The Left thinks that if they bury me with enough witch hunts and intim­i­date my fam­i­ly and asso­ciates that I’ll even­tu­al­ly throw up my hands and give up on our Amer­i­ca First move­ment,” the state­ment said. “Let me be as clear as pos­si­ble: I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR YOU.”
Screen­shots of the website’s crash were shared wide­ly on X.

I just donat­ed to Trump.The dona­tion page crashed from traffic.This is …

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