Chiefs kick­er Har­ri­son Butk­er puts pol­i­tics aside to join Biden at White House

Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker puts politics aside to join Biden at White House

Kansas City Chiefs kick­er Har­ri­son Butk­er has crit­i­cized Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and Democ­rats, but that did not pre­vent him from attend­ing his team’s Super Bowl cham­pi­onship cel­e­bra­tion at the White House.
Biden, who lat­er put on a Chiefs hel­met, quipped with the play­ers about their back-to-back titles, com­par­ing it to November’s elec­tion.
“Win­ning back-to-back, I kind of like that,” the pres­i­dent said Fri­day.

Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid, left, and CEO Clark Hunt, right, watch as Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, cen­ter, puts on a Chiefs hel­met dur­ing an event with the team on Fri­day, May 31, 2024, on the South Lawn of the White House to cel­e­brate their cham­pi­onship sea­son and vic­to­ry in the 2024 Super Bowl. (AP Photo/Evan Vuc­ci)

Although Butk­er was in atten­dance, there was one notable absence on the South Lawn Fri­day: tight end Travis Kelce‘s girl­friend, Tay­lor Swift.
“I’d have Travis Kelce come up here, but God only knows what he’ll say,” Biden said.
“My fel­low Amer­i­cans,” Kelce start­ed. “… I’m not going to lie, Pres­i­dent Biden, they told me I’d get tased if I came up here, so I’m going back to my spot.”
But Kelce did not joke when one reporter asked him where Swift was. In response, Kelce only pro­vid­ed a stony expres­sion.
Butk­er was scru­ti­nized by lib­er­als this month after he encour­aged female grad­u­ates to embrace becom­ing home­mak­ers dur­ing his com­mence­ment address at Catholic lib­er­al arts Bene­dic­tine Col­lege.
“While COVID might have played a large role through­out your for­ma­tive years, it is not unique,” Butk­er told the grad­u­at­ing class of 2024.

Kansas City Chiefs kick­er Har­ri­son Butk­er, cen­ter, stands with fel­low mem­bers of the Chiefs before an event with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden on Fri­day, May 31 …