Morn­ing Joe: Bragg Team Did­n’t ‘Rel­ish’ Vic­to­ry, Nor­mal Sen­tence Is Pro­ba­tion, But …

<div>Morning Joe: Bragg Team Didn't 'Relish' Victory, Normal Sentence Is Probation, But . . .</div>

On Fri­day’s Morn­ing Joe, MSNBC legal ana­lyst Lisa Rubin, the show’s go-to per­son on the Trump tri­al, com­ment­ing on the reac­tion to the guilty ver­dicts by Man­hat­tan DA Alvin Bragg and his pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al team, made a flab­ber­gast­ing claim: “This is not a group of peo­ple, despite what Don­ald Trump and his Repub­li­can allies are say­ing, that rel­ished this vic­to­ry, that are rejoic­ing in it.”
The pros­e­cu­tors, know­ing that the cam­eras of the world were upon them, might have been able to restrain their enthu­si­asm. But does Rubin real­ly expect us to believe that—their out­ward demeanor notwithstanding—on the inside it was­n’t unre­strained revelry?After all, as even the New York Times has report­ed, Bragg ran for DA on the plat­form of being the best per­son to pros­e­cute Trump. So now that his big day has arrived, Bragg & Co. weren’t “rel­ish­ing and rejoic­ing?” Riight.
Ana­lysts Dan­ny Ceval­los and Chuck Rosen­berg agreed that for some­one like Trump, c …