Trump could raise unspec­i­fied ‘oth­er’ crime on appeal

Trump could raise unspecified ‘other’ crime on appeal

The “oth­er” crime fac­tor in Don­ald Trump‘s hush mon­ey case was a source of scruti­ny through­out his tri­al, and now that the for­mer pres­i­dent has been con­vict­ed, legal experts say it could serve as a basis for his appeal.
Trump vowed Fri­day he would bring the appeal on “many dif­fer­ent” grounds, and one could be the lack of speci­fici­ty sur­round­ing that oth­er crime — the unspec­i­fied offense that pros­e­cu­tors said Trump com­mit­ted while fal­si­fy­ing doc­u­ments, effec­tive­ly bump­ing expired mis­de­meanors up to felony charges.
“[The jurors] did not have to be unan­i­mous as to what that oth­er crime was,” John Mal­colm, a for­mer fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor, told Fox News. “This will be one of the many issues that Trump’s legal team w …