Trump embraces polit­i­cal pris­on­er sta­tus as Biden walks ‘thin line’ with con­vict­ed felon

Trump embraces political prisoner status as Biden walks ‘thin line’ with convicted felon

Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans are respec­tive­ly cast­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump as a con­vict­ed felon and a polit­i­cal pris­on­er after his felony con­vic­tion in New York City.
The guilty ver­dict Thurs­day led to huge fundrais­ing days for both par­ties, and though Pres­i­dent Joe Biden briefly addressed the case Fri­day, cam­paign allies say they don’t expect the pres­i­dent him­self to “dance on Trump’s grave” just yet.
Mul­ti­ple vet­er­an Demo­c­ra­t­ic oper­a­tives told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er that while the Biden cam­paign has and will con­tin­ue to high­light Trump as a con­vict­ed felon, they believed Biden him­self would seek to avoid fan­ning the flames among Repub­li­cans, at least in the imme­di­ate future.
“Pres­i­dent Biden was already locked in a tight race, and this doesn’t make things any eas­i­er. On the one hand, Trump is a dan­ger to our democ­ra­cy, and the president’s cam­paign wants every advan­tage pos­si­ble ahead of the gen­er­al ele …

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