Rep. Byron Don­alds Schools CNN’s Coates on Brag­g’s Polit­i­cal Moti­va­tions

On Thurs­day, CNN’s Lau­ra Coates defend­ed Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg and the out­come of the Trump tri­al. In response to those oppos­ing the ver­dict, Coates argued: “you can’t pick and choose whether the sys­tem is fair based on the par­tic­u­lar out­come of some­body you’re aligned with.” Con­gress­man Byron Don­ald remind­ed Coates that Bragg had cam­paigned pri­mar­i­ly on “get­ting Trump.”
Coates claimed that Bragg had no polit­i­cal inten­tions in bring­ing the case against Trump. She not­ed that altho …