Tom Cot­ton Sig­nals Open­ness To Being Trump’s VP

Tom Cotton Signals Openness To Being Trump’s VP

Sen. Tom Cot­ton (R‑AR) sig­naled an open­ness to being for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s vice pres­i­den­tial pick when asked about the mat­ter over the week­end.
Cot­ton was asked about the mat­ter dur­ing a Sun­day inter­view on NBC News’ “Meet The Press” with guest host Peter Alexan­der.
“You are report­ed­ly on Don­ald Trump’s short list of pos­si­ble run­ning mates,” Alexan­der said. “Would you accept if Don­ald Trump asked you?”
“Well, Peter, Don­ald Trump’s going to make this choice,” Cot­ton respond­ed. “I sus­pect only he knows who’s on his short list.”
He said th …

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