75-Year-Old Woman Sen­tenced to 2 Years in Prison for Pray­ing

75-Year-Old Woman Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Praying

Paulette Har­low, 75, was arrest­ed back in 2020 after pray­ing out­side of a Wash­ing­ton D.C. abor­tion clin­ic. Judge Colleen Kol­lar-Kotel­ly sen­tenced Har­low on May 31, decid­ing that she deserves to sit in jail for two full years.
Har­low, vis­it­ed the Wash­ing­ton Sur­gi-clin­ic with a group of oth­er pro-lif­ers on Oct 22, 2020. She sat in a seat out­side of the clin­ic doors where she sang hymns and prayed that babies would be saved from abor­tion.
Har­low was arrest­ed along with eigh …

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