How They Real­ly Feel: ABC Excit­ed Post Ver­dict Polls Sig­nal Biden Win

In its Trump cov­er­age Mon­day on ABC’s Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca, the crew — led by co-host and for­mer Clin­ton offi­cial George Stephanopou­los – was both annoyed with the very basic real­i­ty of pol­i­tics being a team sport and also enthused at two polls sug­gest­ing a pos­si­ble sea change in the elec­tion thanks to a jury in far-left Man­hat­tan find­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump guilty on all 34 counts brought by Soros-fund­ed D.A. Alvin Bragg.
Instead of report­ing who said w …

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