RFK Jr. sues Neva­da sec­re­tary of state over bal­lot access

RFK Jr. sues Nevada secretary of state over ballot access

Inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filed a law­suit against Nevada’s sec­re­tary of state over his inter­pre­ta­tion of state laws regard­ing bal­lot access. 
Neva­da Sec­re­tary of State Fran­cis­co Aguilar was named in the law­suit because of his inter­pre­ta­tion of a law that man­dates a can­di­date must have a solid­i­fied run­ning mate in their peti­tion to run for office. The inter­pre­ta­tion would require the Kennedy cam­paign, which has vowed to be on the bal­lot in all 50 states, to start over with its peti­tion in Neva­da.
“This is a clear case for the fed­er­al court to apply the doc­trine of equi­table estop­pel to pro­hib­it the Sec­re­tary of State from chang­ing his mind after pro­vid­ing bind­ing statu­to­ry instruc­tion upon which the cam­paign prop­er­ly relied to our detri­ment,” Kennedy …

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