Fam­i­lies Of Israeli Hostages Rip Biden For Try­ing To Help Hamas: ‘Unac­cept­able’

Families Of Israeli Hostages Rip Biden For Trying To Help Hamas: ‘Unacceptable’

The Tik­va Forum for Fam­i­lies of Hostages, an Israeli group cre­at­ed to rep­re­sent the fam­i­lies of those tak­en dur­ing Hamas’ Octo­ber 7 ter­ror­ist attack, urged Pres­i­dent Joe Biden to stop inter­fer­ing with Israel’s cam­paign to destroy the ter­ror­ist group.
Their state­ment comes after Biden false­ly claimed dur­ing a press con­fer­ence that Israel had “offered” a “com­pre­hen­sive new pro­pos­al” that includ­ed mea­sures Israel says it nev­er accept­ed and would nev­er accept under any cir­cum­stance.
Dur­ing his press con­fer­ence, Biden had attacked Israel for want­i­ng “total vic­to­ry” over Hamas after the ter­ror­ist group mur­dered 1,200 peo­ple dur­ing the Octo­ber 7 mas­sacre, and claimed that destroy­ing Hamas would “not bring Israel last­ing sec …

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