Joe Wil­son endors­es Nan­cy Mace chal­lenger in South Car­oli­na

Joe Wilson endorses Nancy Mace challenger in South Carolina

Long­time Rep. Joe Wil­son (R‑SC) endorsed incum­bent Rep. Nan­cy Mace‘s (R‑SC) chal­lenger on Tues­day, the lat­est rebuke to Mace as she faces a com­pet­i­tive pri­ma­ry this month.
Wil­son, the longest-serv­ing mem­ber of South Carolina‘s del­e­ga­tion, is throw­ing his sup­port behind Cather­ine Tem­ple­ton, for­mer direc­tor of South Carolina’s Depart­ment of Health and for­mer US Brick pres­i­dent. Tem­ple­ton announced the endorse­ment in a press release on Tues­day.
“Cather­ine Tem­ple­ton is smart, hon­est, and ded­i­cat­ed to Pres­i­dent Trump’s agen­da to Make Amer­i­ca Great Again, and she will make the Low­coun­try proud,” Wil­son said. “As we face the per­il of the Biden agenda—never end­ing infla­tion, tax­es, crime, and ille­gal immi­gra­tion, we need rein­force­ments in Con­gress who will always stand with con­ser­v­a­tives, Pre­si …

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