BUNKUM: New Report EXPOSES Media Gaslight­ing on Biden Jobs Growth

BUNKUM: New Report EXPOSES Media Gaslighting on Biden Jobs Growth

Remem­ber how Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s hench­men in the media pep­pered the Amer­i­can peo­ple with around-the-clock pro­pa­gan­da about how star-span­gled awe­some the Biden econ­o­my sup­pos­ed­ly was because of jobs growth? A new report just blew apart that house of cards.
Bloomberg Opin­ion exec­u­tive edi­tor Robert Burgess released the find­ings of a new Bloomberg Eco­nom­ics report that threw a big wrench into the so-called strength of the jobs mar­ket left­ist media out­lets repeat­ed­ly laud to the pub­lic. “Bloomberg Eco out with a jar­ring report, say­ing month­ly non­farm pay­ro …