New York Demo­c­rat tries to run under ‘Pro-Israel Par­ty’ to flip state seat

New York Democrat tries to run under ‘Pro-Israel Party’ to flip state seat

A New York City Demo­c­rat look­ing to claim a state assem­bly seat in Brook­lyn has filed a peti­tion to run on a “Pro-Israel Par­ty” bal­lot line to boost his chances of win­ning in the heav­i­ly Jew­ish south­ern sec­tion of the bor­ough.
The peti­tion­er, Joey Cohen Saban, is try­ing to flip a seat held by GOP incum­bent Michael Novakhov and said he has already gath­ered enough sig­na­tures to run as the nom­i­nee of his pro­posed par­ty. He will still run as a Demo­c­rat in the 45th Assem­bly Dis­trict.
“The line would pro­vide a way for peo­ple to show sup­port for Israel, to get the atten­tion it deserves,” Saban told the New York Post. “There’s tremen­dous sup­port for Israel in the dis­trict.”
Saban is a Brook­lyn native and is Jew­ish. He has attacked his oppo­nent for pre­vi­ous­ly donat­ing to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I‑VT), a crit­ic of Isra …