Col­umn: The Hunter Ver­dicts Won’t Stop the Des­per­ate Pro-Biden Spin

<div>Column: The Hunter Verdicts Won't Stop the Desperate Pro-Biden Spin</div>

The nation’s most self-impressed jour­nal­ists, the ones who strange­ly self-iden­ti­fy as “main­stream,” could not bring them­selves to treat the Hunter Biden tri­al as com­pa­ra­ble in any way to Don­ald Trump’s tri­al in Man­hat­tan. Treat­ing Hunter as a sig­nif­i­cant “news” sub­ject gives them the creeps, like they’ve been draft­ed into Rupert Murdoch’s army.
So it’s a lit­tle shock­ing the Hunter tri­al gained about half as much cov­er­age as Trump’s — at least through the first eight days of cov­er­age. On the ABC, CBS, and NBC morn­ing, evening, and Sun­day-inter­view shows, Trump’s tri­al drew more than 174 min­utes, while Hunter’s tri­al drew 85 min­utes. (By the Trump trial’s end, they filled the air with 640 min­utes.)
It’s less shock­ing to notice the dif­fer­ence in tone. Trump’s tri­al was a “crim­i­nal” tri­al about “hush mon­ey.” On Ap …