NBC Blames SCOTUS Bump Stock Rul­ing for Week­end Shoot­ings, No Evi­dence

NBC Blames SCOTUS Bump Stock Ruling for Weekend Shootings, No Evidence

Over the week­end, three com­mu­ni­ties across the Unit­ed States were vic­tims of gun vio­lence as par­ties and gath­er­ings came to sud­den ends when scum­bags decid­ed to kill peo­ple. NBC’s Today looked to exploit the tragedies on Mon­day by hav­ing cor­re­spon­dent Erin McLaugh­lin blame the mur­ders on the U.S. Supreme Court, cit­ing their deci­sion to strike down the Trump-era bump stock ban. But none of the shoot­ings involved bump stocks.
“A mass shoot­ing at a splash pad in Michi­gan, an …

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