Oak­land man charged in shoot­ing after June­teenth cel­e­bra­tion

Oakland man charged in shooting after Juneteenth celebration

One of the 14 peo­ple injured dur­ing a shootout in Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia, last month has been charged as one of the gun­men. 
JaJuan Kel­ly, 23, was charged with four counts of assault with a semi­au­to­mat­ic firearm.
Kel­ly is one of four sus­pect­ed shoot­ers iden­ti­fied in court doc­u­ments. The charges against the Cal­i­for­nia res­i­dent come after a June 19 shoot­ing that injured 14 peo­ple. Kel­ly was among those injured. Accord­ing to court records, law enforce­ment found the sus­pect­ed shoot­er with a loaded gun. 
The shootout hap­pened after a June­teenth cel­e­bra­tion last month. Thou­sands attend­ed the event, which, although peace­ful, was not autho­rized by the police. As the cel­e­bra­tion came to a …