On PBS, CBS Reporter Push­es Back on ‘Extreme Lan­guage’ of Sotomay­or Dis­sent on Immu­ni­ty

On the lat­est episode of the PBS polit­i­cal round­table Wash­ing­ton Week with The Atlantic, host (and Atlantic edi­tor in chief) Jef­frey Gold­berg set up New York Times legal reporter Char­lie Sav­age to dis­cuss the “future of pres­i­den­tial pow­er” after the Supreme Court’s 6–3 rul­ing defined pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty and had the knock-on effect of post­pon­ing Don­ald Trump’s clas­si­fied doc­u­ments tri­al and his sen­tenc­ing in the overblown “hush mon­ey” case.
It was no sur­prise that Sav­age agreed with Oba­ma-appoint­ed Jus­tice Sonia Sotomayor’s over­wrought lib­er­al dis­sent, involv­ing hys­ter­i­cal hypo­thet­i­cals about a pres­i­dent using Navy Seal Team Six to take out a polit­i­cal oppo­nent. Sav­age sound­ed the alarm.

Char­lie Sav­age: ….This deci­sion is going to rever­ber­ate. It has u …